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Surgical Removal of Damaged Sigmoid Colon with Creation of Colostomy - Medical Illustration, Human Anatomy Drawing


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Item #exh5116b — Source #1083

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Surgical Removal of Damaged Sigmoid Colon with Creation of Colostomy - Medical Illustration, Human Anatomy Drawing
This medical exhibit contains five images demonstrating a surgical colostomy procedure to repair an injured segment of sigmoid colon. Images A and B at left detail the surgical incision and the mobilization of the small bowel to investigate the injured bowel. Image C shows the resection of the perforated segment of bowel. Image D shows how the proximal sigmmoid colon is brought out through the left abdominal wall to create a stoma. The final image depicts the post-operative condition with a colostomy bag in place.

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Thomas C. Jones
Davis, Bethune & Jones, L.L.C.
Kansas City, MO

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Fritz G. Faerber
Faerber & Anderson, P.C.
St. Louis, MO

"Medical Legal Art wins our firm's highest accolades for professionalism and exhibit quality. In fact, many of the doctors I work with request color copies of your outstanding artwork to show to patients during the informed consent process."

Jeanne Dolan, BSRN, AlNC
Legal Nurse Consultant
Golden Valley, MN

"Thank you for the splendid medical-legal art work you did for us in the case of a young girl who was blinded by a bb pellet. As a result of your graphic illustrations of this tragic injury, we were able to persuade the insurance company to increase their initial offer of $75,000.00 to $475,000.00, just short of their policy limits.

We simply wanted you to know how pleased we were with your work which, to repeat, was of superlative character, and to let you know that we would be more than willing to serve as a reference in case you ever need one. Many thanks for an extraordinary and dramatic depiction of a very serious injury which clearly "catapulted" the insurance company's offer to a "full and fair" amount to settle this case."

Philip C. Coulter
Coulter &Coulter
Roanoke, VA

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